Monday, December 29, 2008

Official Regulations on Make-up Tests

(Art. 8)

1.- La Evaluación Remedial es una actividad evaluativa cuyo propósito es brindar la oportunidad al estudiante de revisar y mejorar la calificación en aquellas unidades, contenidos o bloques de objetivos donde no alcance el nivel mínimo aprobatorio, el cual corresponde al 65% de la valoración respectiva de acuerdo con lo dispuesto en el artículo 12 del Reglamento General de Evaluación Estudiantil.
2.- Para que un estudiante tenga derecho a solicitar la Evaluación Remedial deberá alcanzar entre el 40% y el 64% de valoración en la actividad de evaluación correspondiente a la unidad, contenido o bloque de objetivos correspondiente. Quedan exceptuadas las estrategias de evaluación de las fases y de las actividades de extensión acreditables, y aquellas estrategias que impliquen condiciones de ejecución especial tales como: talleres, trabajos de campo, prácticas de laboratorio, pasantías, seminarios, proyectos o trabajos de investigación, así como aquellas que por razones económicas o logísticas limiten o impidan la ejecución de la referida actividad evaluativa.
3.- El resultado de la actividad de Evaluación Remedial sustituirá a la anterior para el cálculo de la calificación final del curso respectivo.
4.- La Evaluación de Superación es una actividad evaluativa cuyo propósito es brindar la oportunidad al estudiante de revisar y mejorar aquellas unidades, contenidos o bloques de objetivos donde alcance el nivel mínimo aprobatorio, el cual corresponde al 65% de la valoración respectiva, así como elevar la calificación obtenida.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

African Poetry

(All sections) We have studied a few African poems in class during these last weeks (i.e., "These too are our elders" by J Mapanje, "The Casualties" by C Achebe, "When tomorrow is too long" by T Ojaide, and "How can I sing" by O Ofeimun). Re-read Jack Mapanje's poem and try to express the old man's position within the context portrayed in the poem. You must submit your text BEFORE Sunday.

Monday, November 10, 2008

This Term Papers...

At long last... We have finally decided your paper will deal with one author, Oscar Wilde, and two works, "The Importance of Being Earnest" (Drama - Comedy) and The Picture of Dorian Grey (Prose - Novel). You can download both works from this blog and start reading as soon as possible. You can re-read general instructions and recommendations on writing papers. Further instructions and more specific questions will be posted soon so that you can make concrete questions and actually start writing. And... will you, please, tell your friends about this post?
Thanks, beforehand!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Being updated depends on you!

You are gradually getting to know better what's required from you as a participant in our Literature courses. Please, check the downloadable information (in the column on the right) and decide what you need to revise.
Notice, we have also added an Excel file (Check your own record...) for you to fill in and keep your own performance under permanent surveillance, in case you want to know how you are doing at any point of the course. It's your choice; so, there is no need to ask the professor in turn! Keep going!

Monday, October 27, 2008


Notice, please, that -since course programmes are official documents- the information in the programme has been published in Spanish. Hence, there is no mistake involved.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


We are trying to keep pace with technology. Let us hope we will not be left behind so quickly.
To begin with, the basic introductory information must be made available and placed at the reach of your hands. Then, the first things you will find in this blog are: Course Programme, Calendar, Syllabus, and Evaluation Plan for the current term. Make comments and suggestions as soon as you can, please.